

聚乙烯薄膜 Features “这个论点” with Dan Fogler ’94

Did you ever have an argument with someone about who is right?

这是这部电影的前提 的参数, which was the focus of the sixth and final event of the year in the innovative 聚乙烯薄膜 series featuring Poly alumni who are currently working in film and television.

罗伯特·阿伯林,62届,艺术推广总监, moderated the discussion panel, which featured 丹·福格勒,94年. 在电影中, 一对夫妇, 杰克(福格勒饰)和他的搭档丽莎, 在他们的鸡尾酒会上吵架, which escalates and brings a swift end to the evening. They ask their guests to recreate the entire night again and again word for word to determine who was right. Finally, they hire a group of actors to portray them in a play that Jack has written. 这部电影是由 罗伯特·舒瓦 from a screenplay by Zac Stanford and stars Maggie Q, Danny Pudi, Mark Ryder, and Emma Bell.  The panel included Fogler from the UK where he just finished filming 《可靠的网堵平台》 施瓦茨曼通过视频剪辑, Dr. 拉辛·亨利03年她是一名婚姻和家庭治疗师 罗恩Sarcos他在保利大学教授心理学.

From Poly’s Richard Perry Theatre to a Tony Award Winner

Aberlin问 Fogler, a Tony Award-winner, how Poly helped shape his acting career. 福格勒解释说,他看着他哥哥, 杰森·福格勒,91年,在Poly in表演 屋顶上的小提琴手 心想:“这看起来很有趣.” Although he tried out for sports, Fogler always came back to acting. “理查德·佩里剧院成了我的家.” 丽贝卡·费尔德曼,90岁, who acted on the Poly stage with Jason, along with her sister 莉兹·费尔德曼,95年 (的创造者 死于我 成为了福格勒的好朋友. Rebecca was the conceiver of the musical comedy 第25届普特南县年度拼字比赛, 并邀请福格勒来参加演出. The play started Off Off Broadway and moved to Broadway, 在那里,弗格勒凭借对. Barfee. 他们仍然在一起创造, 丝绸手帕说, “It all started there in the Poly theatre with me watching Rebecca in the show.”

小组讨论 这个论点

In a prerecorded video clip with 瓦兹, Aberlin问 about his career path. As a youngster, Schwatzman’s mother exposed him to music. 后来,他成立了一支乐队, 鲁尼, and got a start in acting when his cousin made 一部电影, 处女自杀, 后来施瓦茨曼主演了 《十大网堵平台》.
Dr. 拉辛·亨利03年

Aberlin问 Dr. 拉辛·亨利03年 十大网堵平台她自己的职业道路. She said she knew she wanted to be a doctor and went into the health sciences because she loved a psychology course she took.

罗恩Sarcos began as a communications major in Venezuela and came to New York, where he studied at NYU and came to Poly to teach languages and psychology.

“Fate took you all to different places,” Aberlin observed.

Aberlin问 Fogler about meeting 瓦兹 and what he thought of the script. “The script was so theatrical, like movies from the ’80s and ’90s,” he said.

In a video clip, Aberlin问 瓦兹 about meeting Fogler. “我已经是他的粉丝了,”导演说. “他是一个体格健壮、风趣幽默的演员.他描述道 这个论点 “就像塞进电影里的戏剧. 丹乐于尝试.”


Aberlin screened a clip from the film in which Jack and Lisa are having the argument about who is right. Dr. Henry said that in her practice, “couples always want to prove they are right.” 罗恩Sarcos added “how great it feels to be right,” and that it is actually a physiological response.

Dr. Henry said that what the actors do in the film is actually what she does with couples in the therapy process. “I do that on purpose to see what happens” as they argue. It gives me insight into their current method of arguing and allows me to see what needs to be changed to create more harmony. I don’t focus on who is ‘right,’ the process is more important.”


Aberlin问 Fogler how much of the film was improvisational. “The script had cadence,福格勒说, “but Robert let us improvise. We were an ensemble with everyone talking over each other.他把它比作戏剧疗法. “Jack so dearly needs to hear her say he is right.” Spoiler Alert: meanwhile Jack is trying to propose and he keeps getting it wrong.

瓦兹, 在一段视频中回应了阿伯林, 他说这部电影“剧本很好”, well crafted like music that takes you on a journey. 我信任演员,希望他们能发挥作用.”

举个例子, Aberlin brought up a somersault that Fogler does in the film, 哪一个是纯粹的即兴表演. “Many gold medal flips ended up on the cutting room floor,福格勒说, 并添加, “I tried to do homages to my favorite actors like pushing my hair to the side like Gene Wilder.”

Sarcos brought up “actor observer bias” in which we try to explain our behavior to others, 但这可能会导致分歧.

“Several apple pies were hurt in the making of the film.”

On a light note, Aberlin问 how many pies were used in the film. Fogler admitted, “Several apple pies were hurt in the making of the film.”

施瓦茨曼解释说, “The film was shot in 14 days with a half day for the ‘kitchen stuff and the pies.’”

“Who we think we are isn’t always reflected in how we operate in relationship with others.”

十大网堵平台电影中的戏剧,Dr. Henry said Jack is looking for the response from Lisa he wants to hear, that he was her priority. 在电影中,“Dr. 亨利事先说, “one character hires actors to play everyone and the actors he casts are extreme versions of the people in the film, but without holding much truth to how the people see themselves. 这些演员几乎是人们的漫画. I don’t think many people know themselves well enough to accurately imagine how others receive them. Who we think we are isn’t always reflected in how we operate in relationship with others.” 

“It seems like this is light comedy,” Aberlin said, “but it is much deeper here.”

When asked to offer advice to young filmmakers, 丝绸手帕说, “Never give up. 这么多的机会对你有利. 你会被看见.”

At the conclusion Aberlin thanked the panel for their time and 艺术总监 Michael Robinson thanked Aberlin for a wonderful year of 聚乙烯薄膜.
