


每年, hundreds of admissions 的代表 universities and colleges travel from across the country to meet with prospective students at Poly. 球探坐在露天看台上看我们的运动员比赛, 对于注重艺术的学生来说,没有必然的结果. 但是今年, the completion of the Poly 艺术 Center brought a new kind of visitor to our Dyker Heights campus, 的代表 萨凡纳艺术与设计学院.

Representatives from 萨凡纳艺术与设计学院 visit Poly, shown with Laura Coppola.

近年来, our arts division has garnered increasing popularity among students and attention from our community. 由专业艺术家带领, 我们的节目从现代的杰出基础开始蓬勃发展, 最先进的空间. Students have thrived and have earned prestigious scholastic awards for their work, 为保利在艺术教育领域的声誉做出贡献. 

艺术总监 迈克尔年代. 罗宾逊 returned to Poly in 2018 to spearhead an arts curriculum that extends with continuity from Nursery to Grade 12. 在他的领导下, 保利开创了保利艺术的新纪元, 包括引人注目的课程选择, 鼓舞人心的电影, 邀请画廊空间来展示学生的作品. New York City is one of the art capitals of the world and Poly has leveraged that by 建立伙伴关系 拥有世界一流的组织和文化机构,比如 十大网堵平台博物馆, 哈莱姆舞蹈剧院, 现代艺术博物馆等等. 我们还在校园里举办了艺术家驻校活动, 戏剧工作坊, 拜访专业舞者, 视觉艺术家, 电影制作人等等. 通过这种多层次的方法, 学生们学习创造的过程, 培养策展技能, 并与专业艺术家互动.

任何艺术家都会告诉你,能激发创造力的房间很重要. While the formal opening of the Poly 艺术 Center (PAC) this year has already transformed the landscape of our campus with its bright, 欢迎学生成长和展示他们的工作空间, 继续改进. 最早在下个学年, 我们的数码摄影部门将扩大, 为学生提供暗室摄影实验室.


因为艺术是保利教育的基础, 当学生在九年级进入高年级时, 艺术课的选择不是选一门选修课. 这个阶段的学生会选择 艺术的途径 这使得他们的学习能够以他们真正的兴趣和选择为指导. 于2021年推出 卓越的艺术 该课程旨在为艺术提供更加身临其境的体验. With personalized attention for 上学校 students who may be interested in pursuing arts in college and beyond, it is designed to further hone skills and includes mentorship and support for students developing their portfolios of work.

而电影中那句著名的台词 梦想之地 经常被错误引用(“他”在实际引用中, 不是“他们”), 保利的艺术项目也是如此. 2024年2月28日,保利迎来 竹荚鱼教务主任 戴尔·克利福德 及招生及招聘主任 劳拉·格雷格. There are commonalities between the student-artists at Poly and the artists that 竹荚鱼 welcomes into its program. Their visit provided a fresh perspective on what makes the arts program at Poly so unique and gave students a thrilling chance to sit down for lunch with 竹荚鱼 representatives and learn how their passion for a particular art discipline could become a career. 

戴尔·克利福德, 自1989年以来谁一直在高等教育中教书, 对保利大型艺术工作室的广阔空间印象深刻吗, the wide range and detailed nature of student artwork from photography to drawing, and the quality of the student work he saw on display in the Poly 艺术 Center (PAC). He talked about the emotional impact of displaying student work in a gallery instead of the traditional classroom exclusively: “[when] students start to see their work in a professional setting, 他们在一个非常不同的层面上欣赏它……. which influences their ability to articulate what they make and how they make it.” 

当学术和艺术空间交汇, they can provide the community with an opportunity to ignite curiosity – such as when a student in an English class happens to peer through their classroom window to see dancers rehearsing across the way in the studio. 它可以让敬畏的时刻绽放成新的激情, 或者只是提升他们的艺术鉴赏力. 当我们的客人在这里时, they observed students working on the wheel in a wheel throwing ceramics class. 

消息传开了. 就像人们对体育锦标赛的兴奋一样, 艺术课程的有形投资, 空间, and performances at Poly sends the message of how important and dynamic arts at Poly is. “(艺术)是我们世界和文化的重要组成部分. 它有助于定义我们是谁. It helps it to communicate our differences and celebrate that those differences are really our strengths. [The Poly 艺术 Center] showcases the individuals that make up this great community…. 这是赋予权力,”克利福德说. 

第一印象很有影响力. “我的第一感觉是发自内心的.格雷格在参观新成立的政治行动委员会时分享了她的想法. “我感到一阵平静. 从天花板的高度, 户外空间, 灯光和画廊, 我从不觉得不舒服. Sometimes galleries are stark but the sense of calm in the PAC allows you to focus on the work. 你可以站在某样东西前面, 看一会儿, 还有足够的空间让你去做下一件事, and then just see from the pottery to the fibers and photography that there is a flow you can physically feel.” 

当Clifford和Gregg走进保利艺术中心的时候, 当他们欣赏画廊的墙壁时,他们表达了真正的兴奋, 显示情况下, 还有投影仪屏幕, 展示学生的视觉艺术作品. The displays, they noted, bring such great visibility and vitality to the art that students create. The community gets energized by creatively curated 空间 that are filled with intricate and beautiful art made by their peers. 访问ors appreciate the subtle power of a well-designed space bursting with diverse creations in a variety of mediums.

类似的, 竹荚鱼 uses every square inch of their non-traditional educational 空间 and facilities to inspire their students and in doing so, 他们的学生觉得竹荚鱼是他们自己的地方. 

Poly builds a solid early foundation for students who are potentially seeking a professional path in the arts and is a springboard for their next creative chapter. In turn, 竹荚鱼 promotes artistic entrepreneurship and opportunities to build aspiration in students. Artist statements are required by many art residencies or to market a business in the creative industry. 作为他们录取过程的一部分, 竹荚鱼 seeks passionate students who show tenacity and a commitment to their art. One of the goals of their program is for students to understand early on if creating art is their passion, 这是可行的, 有利可图的职业等待. 

拥有一个强大的艺术项目是为了让梦想成真. State-of-the-art machinery and technology, offered at Poly and 竹荚鱼, promote discovery, Gregg shared. 从她自己的经历来看, she said that exploration is limited when students are siloed in their majors or areas of study. As at Poly, students have the opportunity to take classes in a variety of artistic disciplines. 

Other parallels between Poly and 竹荚鱼 came to light while touring our campus. Both schools inspire connections between their 空间 and the communities who occupy them. They encourage artistic leadership and empower students to envision themselves as professional artists or artistic entrepreneurs. 

When new programs and facilities open, it lends greater attention to the student artist. “创造力受到尊重. 这一点在这里(在保利)非常明显。, that the creativity is being honored and celebrated–celebrated in your shows, 在画廊里,葛雷格说,“我们就是这么做的。, 我们庆祝, 然后我们把你带到另一个层次.”
